Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The beginning of something?

Ok, here goes!

I had a nap this afternoon (for about 2 hours) and when I woke up - something just told me to POAS. So I did. I wasn't expecting anything... After all, I'm only 9DPO...

The pics aren't great. I've tried to play around with them. But I can see the start of a line (I think). I never expect to see lines on my own tests and I was holding it in every different light in my house to see if I was seeing things. The line I see in real life is very thin, and at the left side of the test... I know Blue Dyes can be iffy, but I figured I might be OK cos it's a Clear Blue one.

So, this might be the start of a BFP! Of course, I'm sitting here telling myself not to get my hopes up, but I'm smiling like someone who slept with a coat hanger in their mouth!!

1 comment:

soontobmom said...

That is definity a BFP!! congradulations honey!!!

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